Simon, my youngest kid, came running through the kitchen and out the back door. Minutes later he was back inside, running through the house.
"What on earth are you doing?!" I yelled.
"I'm playing hot and cold with God!"
But he was gone. A few minutes later he ran back in with a huge grin, clutching his ball glove.
"See Mom?"
"Simon, what do you mean you're playing hot and cold with God?!"
I was starting to worry that he was having some sort of a serious problem.
"I asked God where my ball glove was, and He said 'lets play hot and cold'!"
"So I looked in the shed and asked him - 'cold or hot'? And he said 'cold', so I went in the house, and he kept telling me '! And I looked down, and there it was under my bed!"
"See? God knows how to play Hot and Cold!"
He ran out the back door to play.
God playing 'Hot and Cold' with my kid is so cool to think about. Simon didn't have to sit down all seriously, and have a deep prayer meeting about his ball glove. He didn't write down all his requests in his prayer journal or call his friends for support. He just played a fun game with God, and I'm sure that God enjoyed it too.
We are all individuals, God knows what goes on with us, our thoughts and feelings - he wants us to come to him as a kid - simply, being real, just wanting to play with our Dad.